How Solar Is The Safest Way

To Power Your Home

Solar panels have been around for several decades now, and keep getting more and more popular.

However, some people still view them as dangerous or harmful to our health.

This is because, despite already being around for a while, they're still seen as futuristic and "ahead of their time".

While solar panels are indeed advanced technology, they're neither dangerous nor bad for our health.

In fact, they're actually safer and more beneficial than other sources of energy out there.

1. Toxicity

Some believe that solar panels are made of toxic chemicals, and therefore should be avoided altogether.

But that's not true.

The panels are made of glass and an aluminum frame; plastic wiring; and silicon cells (silicon is a natural material). The hazardous chemicals are all well contained inside the panels themselves, and won't be exposed to their owner.

It's just like any other electrical appliance or device (even smartphones): all such chemicals are enclosed within the device, and therefore out of reach for the user.

Not to mention that solar panels are usually placed on the roof of a house, and therefore way out of distance for the homeowner.

2. Radiation

Others also think that solar energy systems send out high amounts of electromagnetic radiation, which is harmful to our health.

It doesn't.

Solar panels work by absorbing rays of light from the sun and converting them into energy to be used or stored. They don't send any of that out into the environment around them.

Given that they're also electrical themselves, the panels will always have a small electromagnetic field around them.

But so does literally every other electrical appliance or device (even toasters).

And we've known for a while that these small (but normal) electromagnetic fields have no effect on human health.

Actually, the technology in solar panels makes them a better health choice than other energy sources.

That's because they don't emit any pollution out into the air. Unlike fossil fuels, which emit plenty of dangerous gases every time they're used.

So, by using solar panels, we don't just keep safe, but we help the air around us become better, both for ourselves and for others.

3. Fire

Then there are those who believe that, because solar panels absorb all that energy from the hot sun, they easily catch fire.

They don't.

What solar panels absorb from the sun is not its heat, but its light. They're not actually accumulating heat, but rays of light.

This means that they won't have any more risk of fire than any other electrical appliance or device.

And that can be prevented simply by ensuring that (just like with any other appliance) the equipment is of good quality, and that the electrical wiring is done correctly.

Moreover, nowadays many solar energy systems come with their own circuit interrupters (a device that detects problems in the electrical equipment as soon as they happen, and shuts it down before it gets worse), making them extra safe just in case.

4. Shock

Finally, homeowners interested in installing their own solar energy system sometimes worry that the panels are likely to cause electric shocks and short circuits.

They're not.

It makes sense that some people would think this because, as we said earlier, solar energy is still often seen as futuristic and advanced technology.

But, in reality, solar panels are no more likely to cause shocks than the average electrical appliances we use at home every day.

And, just like with these appliances, all it takes to keep that from happening is to ensure that the equipment is of good quality, and that the electrical wiring is done well.

Solar panels are, in fact, quite safer than other electrical equipment, given that they're usually equipped with their own rapid shutdown system (which automatically turns off or reduces the output of the panels in case there's a problem).

It makes perfect sense for homeowners to want to make sure that something is safe before buying it. Questions about potential dangers and risks of solar panels are not only logical, but important and wise, both as regards the homeowners themselves, and their neighbors around them.

Which is why (one of many reasons) solar panels are a great investment: not only are they very safe, but they are in fact safer and more beneficial than other similar appliances or energy sources.

Free Solar Texas' engineering team is comprised of experts in fields like solar energy, battery energy storage, EV charging and home efficiency.

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